Joseph D Lewandowski
Author | Researcher | Professor

Joseph D Lewandowski is a writer, researcher, educator, and avid pugilist. He currently serves as Professor of Philosophy at the University of Central Missouri (USA), and as a member of the editorial board of the Journal of the Philosophy of Sport.

Lewandowski has also served as an Expert Advisor at the Legatum Institute, a globally oriented London-based think tank devoted to lifting people out of poverty by creating pathways to prosperity.

Professor Lewandowski has held the Fulbright Masaryk Distinguished Chair in Social Studies at Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic.

Lewandowski's most recent book, On Boxing: Critical Interventions in the Bittersweet Science, explores the relationship between boxing and culture, and appears in the Routledge Focus on Sport, Culture and Society series. His recent work in sport studies has also examined the place of sport in the Holocaust.

Additionally, among his wide-ranging work of contemporary relevance, in articles devoted to the democratic challenges of globalization (also available in Polish) and the problematic emergence of transnational elites (in Czech), Professor Lewandowski has presciently addressed the current rise of nationalism and populism in the US and Europe.